We have been told over and over again since 9/11, that the Muslim or Islamic Extremists are a minority. That they are but a small portion of the over 1 billion Muslims. After all, most of the adherents of the religion of peace are tolerant. We have been told that back in the 6th and 7th centuries, Islam gave women equal rights. Further, unlike Christianity of the same era, Islam was tolerant of other religions.
Islam is not a religion, it is a way of living that encompasses Religion, Law (Sharia), Politics and Finance (Sharia). In the early days of Islam, it was "spread by the sword". When an area was conquered, the inhabitants that had not been killed were offered two choices, convert or pay the "Jizya", Jizya is a tax levied on non-Muslims only. In fact it was this Tax that financed the expansion of early Islam, this was the munificent tolerance that we have been told of. The Jizya was so punitive in the Ottoman Empire that many non-Muslim families had to trade their children to the state in order to settle their tax debt. The boys given to the Ottoman Government as a Tax payment were trained as warriors and became the renowned Janissaries. Eventually Islam spread through conquest through out the middle east and into Europe. At one point, the Islamic Empire or Caliphate which became the Ottoman Empire, controlled most of Spain in western Europe and was defeated twice at the "Gates of Vienna", the first siege of which occurred in 1529, the second and final siege in 1683. The most successful of the Crusades against Islamic expansion (oops I am not supposed to use that word because it offends Muslims... Tough) known as the "Reconquista" was completed in 1492 and the two victorious Iberian Kingdoms sealed their victory with the Marriage of their monarchs Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon (yes, the Isabella that financed Columbus).
So, are most of the 1 billion Muslims moderate and only a small minority violent? No, the tolerant Muslims are the true minority. Just because they do not actively participate in violence does not mean that a Muslim is moderate. The violence perpetrated by "Extremists" is condoned and even celebrated as we saw for ourselves on 9/11. There are instances of more violence perpetrated against non-Muslims everyday. Burning of the Coptic Churches and murders in Egypt. The slaughter of Christians in an Iraq Church. This violence is now claiming moderate Muslims.
Salman Taseer, a popular Pakistani governor, was assassinated this week by one of his bodyguards because he was critical of Pakistan's blasphemy law. His former bodyguard, Malik Mumtaz Hussain Qadri is being held for trial.
Hey BigMan, the dirt bag is being brought to justice! What more do you want.
Yes he is being brought to justice; against the wishes of the Pakistani people. A facebook page was created celebrating Malik Qadri, and had to be shut down because it was being overloaded with people "like"ing it. In fact Mr. Qadri stated to a TV camera, while being transported, after being asked why he shot the Governor 40 times;"Salmaan Taseer is a blasphemer and this is the punishment for a blasphemer".
Well BigMan, maybe the guy did something so heinous that he deserved it..
Yes, what he did was considered heinous to most Pakistani Muslims apparently.. Brace yourself... He was killed for.... Speaking out against the execution of Asia Bibi, a Pakistani Christian charged with speaking against Mohammed.
Ms. Bibi was apparently performing manual labor with a group of Muslims. She had the temerity to offer them some of her water. At that point she found out that a "Good" Muslim can't drink water touched by the filthy hands of a Christian. She then defended herself and her religion, which of course means that defending Christianity is blaspheming Islam, and by default, Mohammed. The Muslims then Gang Raped Asia Bibi. When she went to the authorities for Justice, were the attackers arrested? No, she was sentenced to hang for blasphemy of course.
Salman Taseer was a "Moderate" Muslim, Malik Qadri was an "Extremist" Muslim. Whom did "the people" side with?
OK BigFella, Ok.. But the "Islamic Authorities" didn't condone this murder did they?
A group of more than 500 leading Muslim scholars, representing what the Associated Press describes a "moderate school of Islam" and the British Guardian calls the "mainstream religious organizations" in Pakistan not only celebrated the murder, but warned that no Muslim should mourn Taseer's murder or pray for him.
They even went so far as to warn government officials and journalists that the "supporter is as equally guilty as one who committed blasphemy," and so therefore they should all take "a lesson from the exemplary death" of Salman Taseer.
The exemplary death of Salman Taseer. Exemplary Death.. Of a "Moderate" Muslim, whose crime was that he verbally defended a Christian woman. This type of incident, like Church and Synagogue burnings, are not unusual in the "Muslim" world. Our Main Stream Media just doesn't report these incidents because they don't follow the party line. Muslims are peaceful and tolerant, we Americans are Islamophobic. How many Muslims have been killed in the US since 9/11? I could only find three probable killings, and a handful of verifiable Graffiti or other acts of property destruction that could be listed as a "Hate Crime" (I think hate crime legislation and laws are a load of crap, but that is for another post). In a supposed Islamophobic nation of 350 million people, with over 60 million fire arms, there have been only three deaths and five acts of vandalism in almost 10 years. In Egypt alone, this year 20 Christians were murdered and two churches burned.
Are the Extremists and their adherents the minority or are the Moderates?
Which of us is truly tolerant and where does the hate reside?