I have busy since my last post...
Big Mama (just a nickname, not a description) pulled the trigger on a complete remodel of the Cocina de la hacienda de grande hombre (the Kitchen). Luckily she allowed me to contract some professionals to do some of the work. Therefore it may get done this decade. I have spent much of my time coordinating the contractors... In hindsight it may have been easier to do it myself.
For those of you who may doubt the accuracy of my nome de plume, A quick little story. The commode in the main bathroom of the hacienda became clogged. I attempted to plunge the blockage out to no avail. I determined that I needed to await the services of a plumber. About this time Big Mama (just a nickname, not a description), began yelling from the basement about a leak. Water was streaming from just below said stool (no pun intended. After frantically moving my bodacious television away from possible damage and strategically placing buckets to catch the water, I, much to Big Mama's (just a nickname, not a description) horror, I cut a hole in the ceiling (her horror at my cutting holes in the ceiling is a post unto itself) to determine the location of the leak. It was definitely coming from the area of the offending contraption. Although I could not determine why. I decided that I await "Benny the Plumber" an have him fix the clog and determine the cause of the leak which had by now subsided. "Benny the Plumber" discovered that the BigMan had plunged the thing with such force that I blew out the wax ring between the Toilet and the WC connection. By the way the clog was over 50 down pipe from the bathroom and "Benny the Plumber" almost didn't have enough "snake" to reach it.
Speaking of snakes;I have completed the Copperhead Hat Band. In fact there was enough of the skin to make two hat bands with a little left over. I gave one of them to MBB (My Big Brother, Age not a description), and I purchased a black Stetson on which to place mine. I will be providing details and photos soon.
Just this last weekend I led a back backing trip of 17 including myself. We stayed in the back country overnight and hiked a distance of approximately 12 miles. All of which was in the Appalachian Mountains. Approximately 5 miles of it was on the Appalachian Trail. While this might not sound impressive on first blush, 12 of the 17 Hikers were females of various ages. I understand that I have been nominated for canonization. Which is doubly impressive because I am not even Catholic.
By the way... Obama wasn't that brave in ordering the raid on Osama. At least 16 other people knew that he knew where Osama was. It took him 16 hours to give the order.. If he would have not done it, when it got out that he knew where he was and didn't try to get him.. He would have been finished politically..
We can only hope he is anyway.