Turns out that Mr Norman, who was hired by Disney in 1958 was the first Black artist to work at Disney studios. In an interview, when asked about being a black animator at Disney in the '50s and '60s, Mr Norman stated "I didn't know I was black". Now this may sound strange, coming from a 79 year old black man, But he was born and raised in the American West. California specifically.
Well of course big fella, California is extremely "Progressive". It is an egalitarian paradise, and will stay that way if we can keep Trump and his minions from invading!
Whoa!! Hold on there buckaroo... You are correct, currently California is run by Leftists... Unfortunately If Mr Norman were to grow up in California today, not only would he know that he was black, he probably wouldn't ever get a decent job.
The reason I said the American West and, California specifically, because until the late 1980's California was predominantly under Republican political control. Post 1865, most if not all of the US western states were under the control of Republicans. The way the American west was settled, it culturally was a meritocracy. Several western territories had to rescind the right of women to vote in order to be admitted to the Union. Women fought, suffered, toiled and died along side of their men, they were valued members of the community. Minorities, as long as they were hardworking and honest were accepted. I have found figures that suggest that as many as 8,000-10,000 cowboys were black. When you live beside a man on a cattle drive or ranch working, eating and sleeping together, suffering through the heat, cold, storms, and stampedes, his skin color didn't matter much. Especially when no one bathed for weeks or months, everybody appeared to be the same color... or at least smell.. The Lone Ranger was based on a black cowboy and US Deputy Marshall Bass Reeves.
This is not the first black man from pre-Democrat California to say publicly "I didn't know I was black". The late great Woody Strode said the same thing in an interview when relating his first trip into the Democrat controlled US south in the 1930's as part of the UCLA Bruins Football team. Mr Strode shared the Bruins Offensive back field with Jackie Robinson and Kenny Washington.
The truly sad thing is that black children born today in California, not only know they are black, but nearly everything that has or will ever go wrong in their life, according to the Democrats, is the fault of whites. Further, they need the Democrat Party to protect them (for their votes of course). I find this both sad and ironic. The irony is that the Democrats have been doing this forever. The party was born out of Identity Politics (poor westerners against eastern Bankers, Tennessee was the "west" then). After the Civil War, Southern Democrats convinced poor whites that if they didn't support the Democrats, blacks would not only steal their jobs, they would rape their daughters. The Democrats then took over a vigilante group and made it their militant wing, their "Enforcers". This group was known as the Klu Klux Klan, terrorized southern blacks for 100 years. They weren't to be disowned by the Southern Democrats until the 1970's when the Democrats realized that anti-black identity politics was a losing proposition. They had broken the Republican monopoly on the black vote in 1960 with the election of Yankee Democrat John Kennedy and his successor Lyndon Johnson. Johnson all but ensured the continued support of Blacks with his "War on Poverty" legislation. This legislation was the death knell for the black family. The illegitimacy rate in 1964 for blacks was about 24%, today it stands at 72%.
In the most recent election, the US Presidential Races of 2008, and 2012, the Democrats doubled down. If you were against Barack Obama, you are a racist. If you don't like higher taxes, you are a racist. If you don't like Obama Care (Ironically, its real name is the "Affordable Care Act", which for most people, it isn't affordable) you are a racist. If you were black and didn't support Obama, you are a race traitor or you aren't really black. You see, the only time skin color/religion/sexual orientation doesn't matter is if you are Conservative/Libertarian, that makes you a race traitor etc. In 2016, since Obama wasn't running, in order to get out the black vote,
See table:
As you can see, almost 1/4 of all violent crime victims are Black, and 62% of the Perps are also Black. Other than failing schools, the biggest issue facing Black America is Black on Black crime.
You wouldn't know that listening to Democrats, you would think that racist Police officers, and the Republican party is their biggest issue.
In 2016, Blacks stayed home because BLM didn't work. BLM kept being embarrassed when the incidents were investigated by Obama's Justice Dept. The two most prominent of their cases were dismissed.
Whites, tired of being told how hateful and racist they are for 8 years by the Democrats, really didn't want to hear how misogynist they are because they don't support Hillary's Leftism. So they voted for Trump. One of the reasons Jill Stein of the Green Party gave for her vote recount is that one of the three states in which she wants a recount, 75,000 ballots had votes for candidates "down ballot", but the Presidential selection was blank... No kidding, I almost did that myself, instead I voted Gary Johnson.
I hope to someday again, hear another black American, closer to my age or younger, when asked about being black, responds, "I didn't know I was Black".
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