Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Bamster and the Tea Party

Mr. Obama told Rolling Stone that the tea party movement is financed and directed by "powerful, special-interest lobbies." But this doesn't mean that tea party groups are composed entirely of corporate puppets. Mr. Obama graciously implied that a small subset of the movement is simply motivated by bigotry.
The President said "there are probably some aspects of the Tea Party that are a little darker, that have to do with anti-immigrant sentiment or are troubled by what I represent as the President." The tea party is now supported by a third of the country in some polls.

 OK, here is my disclaimer-

    I have been to several Tea Party rallies, The first was in the rain, in Lafayette Square, which is adjacent to the White House, on April 15th 2009. Most folks there were using plastic sheeting or ponchos to keep dry. If there were corporate sponsorship, where was the money being spent? Further, the crowd of approximately 2,000 was, to use a P.C. term very diverse. I don't believe that Racism or Bigotry had anything to do with the rally. Spending and Big Govt. did.

    The second Tea Party rally I attended was the following 4th of July at my local Courthouse. Again, if there were corporate money involved, it was not evident among the 1,000 or so people that showed up. The crowd was not as diverse as the one in Washington D.C.. Then again, it wasn't all one group either. I think the second crowd represented the makeup of the area in proportion to its' inhabitants. Again, at either rally I never heard a bigoted remark, nor saw a sign that could be considered racist.

    I surmise that the left doesn't like when regular people begin to speak out. They are planning a “One Nation” rally in Washington DC for October 2nd. This rally although does have sponsorship, Union and left leaning religious “Social Justice” groups. These groups are paying for Buses and food for those willing to attend. As far as I know, at the Tea Party rallies, individuals scheduled the buses and each rider paid for their seats and brought or bought their own food..

     I have noticed that when the left accuses a group or an individual of something, they have either already done it, or are planning it. Like John McCain not being an American because he was born in the Panama Canal Zone. I wonder whom they were worried about with that one?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Krispy Kreme Bacon Cheese Burger

BigMan? What the?

Yeah, you read it correctly.. 
The big thing at this year's State Fairs is the "Krispy Kreme Cheese Burger"..1,000 Calories of MMM! MMM! MMM!

But You said Bacon..

Yeah, well I figured what the heck.. With a belly Bomb like that what is two slices of Bacon? 208 calories? I am a man of adventure! That makes it only 1208 Calories!! The photo here is of the actual burger, taken with my IPhone, and as you can see, it was rather dark...

They basically take a Glazed Krispy Kreme dougnut, slice it like a bagel, and use the doughnut like a hamburger bun.

I shared it with 4 other folks, Big Mama (Nickname, not a description), #1 daughter, her spouse Doc, and the Caboose (child  #4, the last of the line).
 The consensus was that it was actually pretty good. A mixture of Salty and Sweet.  Not that I would eat one on a regular basis.. Although I did see a young lady with three of them that could be described as "Big Mama, description, not a nickname".

The Definition of Political Correctness

I truly wish I could take credit for this or at least knew who came up with this definition.

"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."

Says it all doesn't it?

Friday, September 17, 2010

Support a Tea Party Candidate

As I have said many times before, I am NOT a Republican. I am a Libertarian, or I could be even be called a "Classic Liberal". The word "Liberal" in both labels refers to liberty, not the "I will take more of your money because I know how to spend it better than you" Modern Liberal/Progressive... Then again some men would say that the definition of a Modern Liberal/Progressive also sounds like the definition of a spouse, Big Mama (just a nick name not a description) excluded.. Because I believe in liberty and the inherent right of mankind to live a life unencumbered by Government interference, I usually vote and support the lesser of two evils, aka the Republican party.

 A recent article by Peggy Noonan describes the libertarian's dilemma quite well. If all issues before Congress were to be likened to a yardstick, 0" being the goal of the so called right and 36" the goal of the left. A compromise would be 18", the right really wanting  5" and the left wanting 31". What has been happening in our Congress is that the compromise is usually 28". We are told by the Republicans "Hey, it still has an '8' in it!" and "Be thankful it's not '29'!" If a Congressman or Senator stands their ground and will only accept  18" they are labeled in the MSM and by Democrats as extremists or "Far Right". Those Republicans that readily accept those compromises of 28"-31" are called "Moderates" (aka RINOs). Those Democrats that would be happy with only getting 22"-25" are called "Blue-Dog Democrats" and they have to be "reigned" in by the Democrat leadership...

Unfortunately, the Republican Party is more about Party than values/convictions/issues. This has been demonstrated in the recent Primaries. The GOP backed the Good Ol' Boys and Girls without regard where they would land on the above scale. As long as you had put your time in, it was your turn, principals be dammed. Therefore the choices were horrendous. One of the most egregious candidates was former Delaware Rep. Mike Castle. Rep. Castle only voted with the Republican party 88% of the time.

 Wait a minute BigMan!! 88%, that seems to be a fairly good voting record..

 Looks can be deceiving. If you keep in mind that 90% of all resolutions/bills before Congress are boilerplate pabulum: "The Congress of the US hereby recognizes the Ladies Garden Club of East Nowhere Anystate for their fine public works..". The other 10% are bills with teeth in them that actually effect our lives, so Rep Castle could actually have a -2% voting record, or you could say that he never voted with the Republicans when it counted. Rep. Castle promised Sen. Harry Reid D/NV support for the idiotic "Cap and Trade Bill". Further Rep. Castle supported and voted for a resolution to move an Investigation for Impeachment of President Bush to the Judiciary Committee.  Rep. Castle is the poster boy for the MSM/Democrat definition of "Moderate".. He is a RINO (Republican In Name Only). We have enough problems in the Senate without a Male version of Susan Collins or Olympia Snow.

 Because of this, I have not been willing to provide funds to the GOP. My current Congressman doesn't need any funds as he is not only not a RINO, he should win handily. Unfortunately, nether of my state's two current Democrat Senators or up for election. So I decided to send $50.00 to any Candidate that I deemed worthy of my support. Two I found immediately, Lt.Col. Allen West USA(R) running for Congress in FLA's 22nd District, and Ilario Pantano (Former USMC 2nd LT in Iraq) running for NC's 7th district. I have now sent $50.00 to Christine O'Donnell for Del. Senate. I must admit that I do not know as much about Ms. O'Donnell as I do about the two other gentlemen, but when the GOP decided to abandon her the day after she won the Delaware Republican Senate Primary (defeating Rep. Castle), and told her "Let the Tea Party support you". It really pissed me off so I sent her a donation. I also sent this Email to the GOP:

 "I usually donate money to the GOP. This election season I have chosen to donate to individual candidates because of the GOP's stance on Tea Party supported candidates. A prime example is last nights primary in Delaware. The GOP announced it will not support Ms. O'Donnell with campaign funds. Therefore, the money I would normally donate to the GOP will go to Ms. O'Donnell. I have also sent funds to Lt.Col West in Fla and Mr. Pantano in N.C. and will most likely contribute more. Unless the GOP begins supporting Conservative candidates, I will no longer support the GOP."

 If you are like me and do not have a local candidate that needs your support, find some worthy candidates out there and support them. They need your help.