Wednesday, October 14, 2015

More Guns Less Crime

With a wink and a nod to John Lott Jr. who wrote a book by the same name published in 1998.  Mr Lott has been ridiculed for this exhaustive study of crime statistics wherein he showed the correlation between concealed carry and the lowering of crime rates in general and Murder rates specifically. He must be smiling right now.

Belief net Harvard Study Article

A study came out in 2007, authored by that bastion of right wing extremism, Harvard University. It showed that Countries with higher gun ownership had lower crime rates. You see, the reason you never heard about this study is that it makes every liberal pundit, politician, and activist a liar when the spout that often heard phrase "The United States has the industrialized worlds highest murder rate". They always directly attribute that to guns. This study proves that that assertion is not true. That is why it has been ignored.

Quoting the above referenced Article:-

The popular assertion that the United States has the industrialized world’s highest murder rate, says the Harvard study, is a throwback to the Cold War when Russian murder rates were nearly four times higher than American rates. In a strategic disinformation campaign, the U.S. was painted worldwide as a gunslinging nightmare of street violence – far worse than what was going on in Russia. The line was repeated so many times that many believed it to be true. Now, many still do.

I know, you, like me are shocked that any politician or liberal would lie for political advantage.. Or even that they would make something up, and then repeat it so often that it is taken as fact..

Here are a few of my favorite hits:-

 97% of climate scientist agree that (Global Warming/Climate Change/insert the newest term here) is caused by man and a threat to humanity (Some leftist Scientist collected science journals and papers. He then determined by the subject of the articles/papers whether or not the author was a Global Warmist... He never bothered to ask)
Superbowl Sunday is the most violent day of the year for women who are abused by their husbands. (this was a N.O.W. favorite for years.. No statistics, nothing.. just the claim)
A woman's right to choose  (unless she chooses to have the baby)
Women make (insert a % here) of what men make!! (they usually derive this by taking the total female population, and dividing the gross estimated income of the total female population. Further they never take into account the choice by women of lower paying professions, like nursing/teaching. It also also been proven that women in the same profession as men, that do not take time off to have children, on average make more money than their male counterparts.)
Islam is the religion of Peace (just read a few history books.. for a religion of peace they sure have started a lot of religious wars, right up to when they get their asses kicked, then they become a religion of peace in order to build up resources for the next round. It's actually in the Quaran how to do it.)

So we have a study by Harvard, the flagship of the liberal Ivy League, that proves that not only does the US NOT have the highest murder rate in the industrialized world, the UK, the country thrown in our faces all of the time isn't the home of low crime and safety :-

Quoting the above referenced Article:-
Somehow, it goes unreported that “despite constant and substantially increasing gun ownership, the United States saw progressive and dramatic reductions in criminal violence,” write Kates and Mauser. “On the other hand, the same time period in the United Kingdom saw a constant and dramatic increase in violent crime to which England’s response was ever-more drastic gun control. Nevertheless, criminal violence rampantly increased so that by 2000 England surpassed the United States to become one of the developed world’s most violence-ridden nations.

Harvard study? What study? Move along sheeple, nothing to see here..

Thursday, October 8, 2015

The issue isn't guns or gun control, it is mental health.

The Osaka School massacre, June 8 2001, 8 children killed. Subject used a kitchen knife.

The Akihabara massacre, June 8 2008, 4 killed, 8 injured with a truck and knife. (do you think the dates were just a coincidence?)

Knife wielding attackers kill 29 injure 130 at Chinese train station , March 2014.

Bath Michigan School massacre, 1927, 44 killed, subject used explosives.

Oklahoma City, 4/19/95, 168 killed, subject used nitrogen fertilizer soaked with diesel as an explosive.

Seoul South Korea, 10/20/2008, 6 dead, 7 wounded, subject used knife and arson.

Shanghai China, 07/2008, 7 killed, 3 by car, 4 stabbed to death.

4 killed in Sitka, Alaska, US: 3/25/2008. 18 year old (old enough to purchase a rifle over the counter) kills 4 people, related to him, with a 5 inch knife.

Stabbing Spree kills 2, Tsuchiura, Japan: 3/23/2008. 2 killed, 7 wounded. Man "just wanted to kill anyone."

Stabbing spree wounds 41, 6 seriously in Berlin Train Station: 5/26/2006. Thankfully no one died in this attack, but not for lack of trying on the part of the drunk 16 year old.

4 killed, 2 wounded in stabbing spree in London, UK: 9/2004. Mentally ill man attacks mostly older people.

6 killed over Xbox dispute in Deltona, Florida, US: 8/6/2004. 4 men (all old enough to legally purchase firearms) bludgeon 6 people to death with baseball bats over purloined Xbox.

198 killed, 147 injured. Daegu subway fire, Daegu, South Korea: 2/18/2003. A 56 year old unemployed taxi driver, dissatisfied with his medical treatment, sets fire to a crowded train.

The list goes on...
I found spreadsheet of mass killings, the US is lumped in with the "Americas" which for the time period listed has 108 mass killings, Asia 127, Oceania/South East Asia 124, Europe 95. Asia, Oceania/South East Asia, and Europe have strict gun control laws. In those places, the killings are committed with a knife or vehicle. So if we got rid of all gun ownership, these killings would not stop, their weapons of choice would just change.

Rampage Killers

The Butchers Bill

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

The real Global Warming agenda

Walter Williams on the Global Warming/Climate change Witchhunt of "Deniers"

The global warming agenda is a desperate effort to gain greater control over our lives. Political commentator Henry Louis Mencken (1880-1956) explained that "the whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." That's the political goal of the global warmers.