Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The True Lesson of Thanksgiving

Those of you, who like myself, were educated in the later half of the 20th century, were taught that the poor stupid Pilgrims didn't know how to grow food. Even though many had been farmers in Europe, they must have forgotten how to grow food or that the climate and soil in the New World was so much different than Europe that their old methods didn't work. Never fear, they were rescued by a stone age people, the natives of the New World that were one with nature. These people, who cultivated the ground with sharpened sticks, taught these poor white European imbeciles, whom had already developed a rudimentary animal drawn plow, how to cultivate food.  This saved these wretches from famine and starvation. In gratitude the imbecilic white Europeans held a feast and invited their aboriginal saviors (whom by the way were the first ecologists). These white Europeans, surviving because of the assistance of these benevolent natives ultimately repaid them by giving them blankets infected with small pox, massacring them and stealing their land.

 And they lived happily ever after...

 Excuse me... I always get a little misty after the Blanket part...

Yes this a a beautiful bucolic story (unless you are are Indian). Except that almost none of it is true. OK, there were some massacres and we did take their land.. Other than that, all the rest is fantasy. Even the blanket story.

In fact the true lesson of Thanksgiving is that Socialism/Communism doesn't work.

  Hey Big Fella, we are talking Pilgrims here, not Berkeley college students.

 Yes I know that, but the Pilgrims organized their farm community along Communal  lines. Communal, Communism, sound similar? That is because they are based on the same concept. "From Each according to their ability, to each according to their needs"   The Pilgrims basically lived in a 1960's hippie commune with out the free love (the Scarlet Letter was much later). The ultimate goal was to share the work and produce equally.

That is why they almost starved to death.
When you get fed no matter how hard you work, you work only as hardyou can get by with.
"So as it well appeared that famine must still ensue the next year also, if not some way prevented," wrote Gov. William Bradford in his diary. The colonists, he said, "began to think how they might raise as much corn as they could, and obtain a better crop than they had done, that they might not still thus languish in misery. At length after much debate of things, (I) (with the advice of the chiefest among them) gave way that they should set corn every man for his own particular, and in that regard trust to themselves. And so assigned to every family a parcel of land."
  To quote a great American Icon, Homer Simpson.. "DOH!!".
Everyone was starving, so here is a plot of land, you are responsible for your own crops and food.. I bet you can't guess what happened next..

"This had very good success," Bradford wrote, "for it made all hands very industrious, so as much more corn was planted than otherwise would have been. By this time harvest was come, and instead of famine, now God gave them plenty, and the face of things was changed, to the rejoicing of the hearts of many."
Praise the Lord and Pass the Gravy!! Lets have a feast!!
When individuals own their own property and are allowed the fruits of their labors miracles happen!! Further, working your butt off or starving also is a great incentive..

 Hey Bigman, you mean there were no Indians at the first Thanksgiving?

 No, I didn't say that, yes there probably were. You see, the local tribes had been wiped out by disease introduced by the "randy" rum toting fisherman that had been coming to The Grand Banks for almost 200 years. In fact, the hero of the story that we had been taught, Squanto, was actually taken to Europe by those fishermen, and had lived there for 20 or so years. He came back to his village to find that everyone he knew had died. It just so happens that the Pilgrims landed at the site of the empty village. It obviously had been a good site for a village, so Plymouth was established there. Squanto was homeless and without family, he was able to communicate with the Pilgrims and the Indians so he became an invaluable translator.
 The Wampanoags most likely attended the first Thanksgiving feast in order to cement an alliance with the Pilgrims. They had become outnumbered by inland tribes because of the diseases that they had been exposed to and they saw advantages in befriending the Pilgrims. Especially since the Pilgrims had guns and had participated in some raids against the Narragansett with their Wampanoag neighbors..

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Don't touch my junk dude!!!

So if you don't want to submit to the grope, you will be held against your will, and fined $11,000.00.... Unless you are a Muslim Female in a Burqua or wearing a Hajib that is...
They need to stop profiling objects and profile perps. No that does not mean Racial profiling... The last time I checked being a Muslim was religious identification, not a racial one and it is only one of many "key ID" features that would make up a "Profile"....

 Profiling is used everyday. If you have purchased auto, health, or life insurance, you were subject to a profile. In the case of insurance they are called actuarial tables. They take into account multiple factors in order to create a risk "Profile". When you applied for a job, the employer that reviewed your application or resume used a "Profile" of the the perfect candidate and compared how you measured up to that "Profile". In Law Enforcement, "Profiling is used frequently, whether they are looking for a Serial Killer or a drunk driver. There are certain "Key ID" features that bring attention to individuals or groups that merit further investigation. For instance, if there had been a recent hold up at a local "Stop and Rob" (7/11, Wawa, Fasmart) and the suspects were described as two white males in their early 20's, you wouldn't be stopping and checking Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, females of any race, or the elderly. Why? Because they do not meet the "Profile". Furthermore, the more information you receive the more detailed the profile becomes. What clothing were they wearing? What kind of vehicle, if any, were they using? What was the color, year and make of the vehicle? With these details it narrows the search for those individuals most likely to be the Perpetrators we are looking for.

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the "Depends Bomber", was identified prior to boarding his Airplane last Christmas. He was on the no fly list, he was banned from entering the UK, and his father went to the American embassy in Nigeria and told the American Officials there that his son wanted to martyr himself on an American bound Airliner.. Furthermore he had made several recent visits to Yemen (Trips to Yemen are a key ID feature of many of the current crops of terrorists).

 Richard Reed, the infamous 'Shoe Bomber' was a member of the Brixton Mosque, this mosque was the mosque of several of the September 11th terrorists. This would also be a "Key ID" feature of a would be terrorist. He also had a long arrest record in Britain and had served multiple prison sentences. Prison is a place where many Muslim converts are recruited. Prison would be an additional ID feature.

Ahmed Ressam, the Millennium Bomber, lived in an area of Montreal known to contain a Al Queda cell. Further he was a Canadian fugitive with a long arrest record. He was capture because of an old Law Enforcement technique. Questioning by an experienced Interrogator. The CBP Officer noticed that he would not keep eye contact and when he did make eye contact he looked nervous. So she pulled him aside for a vehicle search.

 As a former Police Officer, I know that if I should stop someone for a routine traffic violation, that I cannot pull you out of your vehicle and search you without probable cause. If I do, it is a violation of your 4th amendment right of  not being subject to unreasonable search and seizure. So if I decide to fly, I now automatically give up my 4th Amendment rights? 

 The TSA has just announced that if you decide not to submit to the Pat Down of to the full body scan, not only can you not board an airplane, you also cannot leave the airport. Furthermore you are now also subject to an $11,000 fine. Being held if you do not submit to an unconstitutional search sound like imprisonment to me, at the minimum it is an improper arrest. The definition of an arrest is when you feel that your freedom of movement has been restricted by individuals or physical barriers.  

 CAIR, the Council on American Islamic Relations has determined that Muslim women cannot be made to submit to the full body scan, if they are wearing a Hajib, they cannot be patted down below the shoulders, or if they are wearing a full Burqua, they cannot be patted down at all. Further, a Muslim woman wearing a full Burqua or veil cannot be forced to reveal her face in order to prove her identity. If wearing a veil or a full Burqua is a religious choice, with that choice should come the understanding that  you cannot get a drivers license, or a passport without exposing your face. Without a license, you can't drive or fly domestically, without a passport, you cannot leave the country.

So am I saying that no one should be subject to searches, scans, or metal detectors? No, I am saying that using proper law enforcement methods, we wouldn't be wasting time conducting invasive searches of the elderly, infants. By conducting a simple questioning by a trained law enforcement officer and then use those screening methods if needed, air safety would not decrease and travel would become more efficient and possibly cheaper.

Here is an article on the recent TSA guidlines.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Election '10, The Tea Party

Here is a quick update on the Tea Parties' rampant racism. Recently, the NAACP released a report detailing just how racist the Tea Party is. Still as far as I know there weren't any candidates that had ties to the Klu-Klux-Klan (Unlike the late Democratic Senator and Grand Kleagle, Robert "Sheets' Byrd).

Here is a short list of some of the lily white candidates supported by the Tea Party that won election Tuesday Night.

Brian Sandoval - Governor - Nevada (First Hispanic Governor of Nevada)
Susannah Martinez - Governor - New Mexico (First Hispanic Female Governor of NM)
Marco Rubio - Senator - Florida (Son of Cuban Refugee/Immigrants)
Nicky Haley - Governor - South Carolina (First SC Female Governor, Second Republican Indian {dot not feather} Governor in the US -Bobby Jindal LA. was first)
Tim Scott - Representative - South Carolina (First Black Republican US Rep. from S.C.)
Lt. Col. Allen West - Representative - Florida (First Black Republican Fla. Rep. elected since a former slave was elected in 1870)
Bill Flores - Representative - Texas
Francisco Canseco - Representative - Texas

Man those Tea Party folks sure are non-inclusive. There isn't a single Aleut, Athabaskan, or Pacific Islander among the bunch.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Election '10

On a recent Punditry show Big Mama (just a nickname, not a description) and I viewed. The Democrat expert claimed that the Tea Party and apparent Republican surge is not because of a repudiation of Obama and Congresses Socialist policies. No it was more of an anti-incumbent surge because it was taking out entrenched Republicans along with Democrats.
 Either this is poor critical thinking or it is simply excuse making. The Republicans that are being axed or whom have decided to bow out are RINOs (Republican In Name Only). They aren't being rejected because they are incumbents, they are being kicked to the curb because they are Liberals/Socialists.

During an interview I watched which featured Karl Rove, Mr. Rove complained that he would rather win a seat with a "Moderate" or "Liberal" (read RINO) Republican that voted the Party line (Karl is not a conservative, he is a Party man) 70% of the time.. Actually I would rather lose the seat by putting up a Principled Conservative or Libertarian to a  Conservative Democrat (if they still exist) that will still probably vote with the Republicans 50-70% of the time. That way when they Voted with the Democrats on the big things (ala Collins, Snow, and Lindsey Grahamnesty*), at least you wouldn't feel as though you have been stabbed in the back.

A news flash from Delaware today.. The Camp of the "Bearded Marxist" for Senate (Coons). Is worried because of the light turn out in New Castle and Kent Counties. These are majority Democrat Counties.

To win, Mr. Coons will have to get heavy support from Democrats and independents in New Castle, the state’s most populous county. In the primary, Ms. O’Donnell drew heavy support from the state’s other two counties, Kent and Sussex, which skew more to the right. -- I think it would be hilarious and a smack in the face to both the Republican establishment, Democrats, and Main Stream Media. They have all heaped scorn and ridicule on Ms. O'Donnell. Even if she is the dummy that they have been trying to portray her as (which I doubt she is). She definitely can be no worse than Barbara Boxer, Patty Murray, or Patsy Schroeder. All three of which don't have enough wattage combined to power a night light.

* Senator Lindsey Graham is a big supporter of Amnesty for Illegal Aliens. Therefore he is referred to as Senator Grahamnesty.