Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Election '10

On a recent Punditry show Big Mama (just a nickname, not a description) and I viewed. The Democrat expert claimed that the Tea Party and apparent Republican surge is not because of a repudiation of Obama and Congresses Socialist policies. No it was more of an anti-incumbent surge because it was taking out entrenched Republicans along with Democrats.
 Either this is poor critical thinking or it is simply excuse making. The Republicans that are being axed or whom have decided to bow out are RINOs (Republican In Name Only). They aren't being rejected because they are incumbents, they are being kicked to the curb because they are Liberals/Socialists.

During an interview I watched which featured Karl Rove, Mr. Rove complained that he would rather win a seat with a "Moderate" or "Liberal" (read RINO) Republican that voted the Party line (Karl is not a conservative, he is a Party man) 70% of the time.. Actually I would rather lose the seat by putting up a Principled Conservative or Libertarian to a  Conservative Democrat (if they still exist) that will still probably vote with the Republicans 50-70% of the time. That way when they Voted with the Democrats on the big things (ala Collins, Snow, and Lindsey Grahamnesty*), at least you wouldn't feel as though you have been stabbed in the back.

A news flash from Delaware today.. The Camp of the "Bearded Marxist" for Senate (Coons). Is worried because of the light turn out in New Castle and Kent Counties. These are majority Democrat Counties.

To win, Mr. Coons will have to get heavy support from Democrats and independents in New Castle, the state’s most populous county. In the primary, Ms. O’Donnell drew heavy support from the state’s other two counties, Kent and Sussex, which skew more to the right. -- I think it would be hilarious and a smack in the face to both the Republican establishment, Democrats, and Main Stream Media. They have all heaped scorn and ridicule on Ms. O'Donnell. Even if she is the dummy that they have been trying to portray her as (which I doubt she is). She definitely can be no worse than Barbara Boxer, Patty Murray, or Patsy Schroeder. All three of which don't have enough wattage combined to power a night light.

* Senator Lindsey Graham is a big supporter of Amnesty for Illegal Aliens. Therefore he is referred to as Senator Grahamnesty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll take a Zell Miller Democrat over a Lindsey Graham RINO anytime.