Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Michael Moore, Communist and Idiot..

I was recently watching a television program entitled “Aerial America”. This specific  episode was about Michigan. While showing and discussing the auto industry, Detroit, Flint and surrounding areas, they mentioned Michael Moore and his mocumentary “Roger and me”. The show described it as “exposing corporate greed” because while GM was closing Michigan factories, they were experiencing record profits.
Good thing I didn’t have a mouth full of liquid or I would have spit it out… The thing that kills me about most leftist and a growing number of regular Americans that listen to these idiots is they believe that Corporations/businesses exist to serve only two purposes. 

1    1.    Provide jobs
2    2.    Provide health insurance

When any company makes adjustments to their operations in order to realize their real purpose, maximizing profits (no, I will not apologize for using foul language), they are greedy and evil. It may be too late to save us from this idiocy…

Monday, September 30, 2013

The Breaking Bad Finale

Spoiler alert... If You have not already watched the final episode, do not read this...





I was reading several reviews of the Breaking Bad Finale. First, they all loved as did I. The show as a whole was one of the better TV dramas aired in years. As I have said to others, I think it is because most current shows do not take the time to develop three dimensional characters. Breaking Bad sometimes slipped in a fourth dimension. The characters were believable and you found yourself rooting for them. Even the characters you didn't like you found yourself actually enjoying their discomfort or even death.

My real purpose in this posting isn't to critique Breaking Bad. It was a very good series, I will probably watch it several times. What my real purpose is to critique the NY Times 'critique'. You see the NYT likes to pass it self off as the American Journal. "All the News Fit to Print".. The passage In the critique I found to be laughable is the following:

"Here, the writers were so determined to not leave unfinished business that the last episode was called "Felina," an anagram of finale."

While I have to admit that I didn't catch on to the fact that Felina is an anagram of Finale... I do know American Culture, especially American 20th Century Western Culture. As Walt was digging though a car he was stealing, in the glove box he found a cassette tape. The cover plainly showed that it was Marty Robbins' Gunfighter Ballads and Trail songs. This Album was in the top five in 1959-60 and the hit song that reached #1 in both Country and the Billboard Hot 100 charts was "Old El Paso" The Song is about a Cowboy that kills another for the love of a girl name Felina. He runs away to avoid death, but has to comeback to see her one more time, even though he will most likely die. The song ends with the cowboy shot through the chest saying "One little kiss and Felina... Goodbye". Walt is even singing the song to himself as he prepares the M60 machine gun..

 Walt, can't stay away from Albuquerque, he sees Skyler, and Holly one last time. He goes into the Neo-Nazi compound, even though he knows he will die. After the shoot out, as the police sirens wail in the distance, he walks into the Meth Lab that he designed admiring his work. He walks up, touches a vat, leaving a bloody hand print and falls down dead... "One little kiss and Felina... Goodbye"

That is the tie in to Felina.. IMHO.. By the way, the music selection for the entire series was great.
The closing song by BadFinger Baby Blue was excellent.

Marty Robbins "Old El Paso"

BadFinger Baby blue

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Student Indoctrination

Have you ever wondered why your children are being brainwashed in school and especially college? Why do these institutions that take your money in taxes and make you pay for the privilege of removing all of the values you as a parent taught them? It is quite simple once you understand the reason:

Vladimir Lenin said, "Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted."

In order for the Government to control us all, we have to relinquish our rights and individuality. That is why Obama's biggest support comes from the 20-29 age group, they have been brainwashed by their leftist teachers and professors to believe those like him will bring prosperity and equality to all. Unfortunately like all Fascists and Communists, all they ever bring is subjugation and despair.

We can only promise an equal chance, not an equal staring point nor an equal outcome. The hard work is up to the individual. If the individual fails, it is up to that person to learn and try again or give up. If you never try, or you believe that the road is to difficult, then that is your responsibility, not mine.

It is ironic that the leftist belief system was created by those who were most discriminated against. They were hoping to create the perfect society wherein everyone was equal. Like the mad scientist who attempts to create the perfect man, and instead creates a monster that in the end is the source of his own demise. Marx and Engels were Jews, the Soviet Union, the first country that attempted to create their heaven on earth, instead created a hell, and an especially hellish existence for Russian Jews.

As Churchill stated (I am paraphrasing),"If you are not a liberal when young, you have no heart, and if you are not a conservative when old, you have no brain". If you have read Orwell, especially "Animal Farm", Our current crop of twenty somethings are the draft horse, working with their hearts, we can only hope they wake up and use their brains before they and all of us get sent to the glue factory..

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

What Is Your Life's Blueprint? - Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

The 50th anniversary of Dr. King's I had a dream speech was on August 28th. Of course it was hijacked by the Democrat Party and the American Left. Dr. King's adversaries most of his life were members of the Democrat Party, to include it's militant wing, the KKK (yes the KKK was established by Democrats, and 99% of KKK members that have served in Congress were Democrats).
I wish our children would hear things like this more often, especially in the inner cities..
This may sound to some like something that would come from a Republican or a right wing extremest, Dr. King was a Republican after all..

What Is Your Life's Blueprint?
Six months before he was assassinated, King spoke to a group of students at Barratt Junior High School in Philadelphia on October 26, 1967.


I want to ask you a question, and that is: What is your life's blueprint?

Whenever a building is constructed, you usually have an architect who draws a blueprint, and that blueprint serves as the pattern, as the guide, and a building is not well erected without a good, solid blueprint.

Now each of you is in the process of building the structure of your lives, and the question is whether you have a proper, a solid and a sound blueprint.

I want to suggest some of the things that should begin your life's blueprint. Number one in your life's blueprint, should be a deep belief in your own dignity, your worth and your own somebodiness. Don't allow anybody to make you feel that you're nobody. Always feel that you count. Always feel that you have worth, and always feel that your life has ultimate significance.

Secondly, in your life's blueprint you must have as the basic principle the determination to achieve excellence in your various fields of endeavor. You're going to be deciding as the days, as the years unfold what you will do in life — what your life's work will be. Set out to do it well.

And I say to you, my young friends, doors are opening to you--doors of opportunities that were not open to your mothers and your fathers — and the great challenge facing you is to be ready to face these doors as they open.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, the great essayist, said in a lecture in 1871, "If a man can write a better book or preach a better sermon or make a better mousetrap than his neighbor, even if he builds his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten path to his door."

This hasn't always been true — but it will become increasingly true, and so I would urge you to study hard, to burn the midnight oil; I would say to you, don't drop out of school. I understand all the sociological reasons, but I urge you that in spite of your economic plight, in spite of the situation that you're forced to live in — stay in school.

And when you discover what you will be in your life, set out to do it as if God Almighty called you at this particular moment in history to do it. don't just set out to do a good job. Set out to do such a good job that the living, the dead or the unborn couldn't do it any better.

If it falls your lot to be a street sweeper, sweep streets like Michelangelo painted pictures, sweep streets like Beethoven composed music, sweep streets like Leontyne Price sings before the Metropolitan Opera. Sweep streets like Shakespeare wrote poetry. Sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will have to pause and say: Here lived a great street sweeper who swept his job well. If you can't be a pine at the top of the hill, be a shrub in the valley. Be be the best little shrub on the side of the hill.

Be a bush if you can't be a tree. If you can't be a highway, just be a trail. If you can't be a sun, be a star. For it isn't by size that you win or fail. Be the best of
whatever you are.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

New Rock Anthem

As a youngster, I discovered Jimi Hendrix's version of the Star Spangled Banner. He needed something to play at Woodstock, unfortunately, when he arrived, the concert was almost over and most of the crowd had left. So he broke into an impromptu electric guitar version of the Star Spangled Banner. I came of age with the Heavy Metal wailing of guitars, so this easily became my, along with many of my contemporaries, favorite rendition of our national anthem. I was just introduced to this second version by "Big Sis" (not a description, a term of endearment). She also introduced me to Jimi's version at the age of 9. Both give me goosebumps, and as Big Sis used to say when I was a wee lad "Dude, I shed a tear".. I am also including one of my other favorite patriotic songs by  the original "Ray-Ray", Ray Charles.


Madison Rising

Ray Charles, America

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Punish the Over Achievers

This kid has won the summer reading contest five years in a row and the librarian wants him to stop entering so other kids can win. How about some other kid reads more than him?  Why don't we ban athletes that win more than one gold medal so others can win?
This reminds me of the 5th grade. In the mid-western state I lived in at the time, we had to read 15 books during the school year, three from each of 5 categories. I read 72 books because I didn't have a TV and lived with my Grandmother 3 miles from anywhere. Unfortunately, they were all from, History, Fiction and Sports (most of the books were Science Fiction and Westerns because my father had a huge paperback collection). I don't remember what the other two categories were, but I wasn't allowed to go to recess until I read six books from the missing categories (three from each). No other kid in my class read more than 20 books, but I was punished for not reading the "right kind" of books instead of being commended for reading 72 books. 

Monday, August 12, 2013

Make Mine Freedom

Here is a cartoon I remember from my childhood, It was produced by Harding college in 1948, the beginning of the Cold War. It is basically propaganda telling us how much better Capitalism is than Communism. Even propaganda can be truthful. Unfortunately, young Americans didn't get exposed to this type of propaganda. They have been subjected to Left wing drivel most of their lives from the "Captain Planet" cartoon to most of their teachers in school to all of their Professors in College/University. They have been led to believe that Corporations  are evil and either want to destroy the environment or don't care as long as they make a profit. The only solution is for the Govt. to control all of these bad greedy Corpratists.

Enjoy this blast from the past..

Saturday, July 20, 2013

I said Goodbye to a friend today.

He was actually more than a friend; he was a member of the family. He was BigPup, aka "Tiny", our English Mastiff. He was just short of his tenth birthday. To some this may seem rather young for a dog to die, but big dogs don't live as long as smaller dogs. For an English Mastiff, he was rather old. The life expectancy for a Mastiff is 7-10 years. So every day past his seventh birthday was borrowed time. He was actually in good health for the past several years. His only real issue was his hips, which I can empathize with as I am starting to have issues with mine. The only thing he couldn't do is go for rides anymore because he couldn't jump into any of our vehicles. If we really needed to take him somewhere we would use my daughter's small SUV, a Jeep Liberty, to transport him in. It was low enough for me to put Tiny's front paws on the bumper and then lift his hindquarters in. He, with some trepidation could get out on his own.

Tiny was originally a "replacement" dog. Our first Mastiff, a brindle female named Dot, had died at the age of six just before Christmas. She was also a special dog (aren't they all?). At the time we brought her into our family, we hadn't owned a dog for more than two years. I wasn't sure I wanted another dog after going through the heartbreak of losing our dog Ti (Tie) to cancer. So Big Mama (just a nickname not a description) talked me into getting a dog by suggesting we get an English Mastiff, a breed that I had wanted to own since we had been dating. So we drove for two hours to a Farm a state away, and bought Dot. The kids named her that because; even though she was a brindle (similar to tiger stripes) she appeared black. She had been extremely ill as a puppy and they had to give her an I. V.. The I. V. location had gotten infected and the result was a white spot, about the size of a quarter, in the middle of her back. Therefore, she was "Dot". She was small for a female Mastiff; she probably never weighed more than 130 lbs. She was the perfect family dog. She took all the abuse that small children accidentally dish out without a whimper or a growl. When she had enough, she simply got up and walked away. When she died my children were devastated. So I found a litter of puppies on the Internet that had been born around Thanksgiving, and put a deposit on a male. I then printed out pictures of the litter which I placed in an envelope. I then put the envelope on the Christmas tree. I let my ten year old daughter (#3 of 4 offspring) open the envelope because she had seemed to have taken the death of Dot especially hard. There wasn't a dry eye in the room.

Late the next January or early February, I went to pick up our reserved puppy. Our four children and Big Mama (just a nickname not a description) were otherwise engaged so I went alone. Upon arrival at the farm where I was to pick up the puppy, I noticed that it was more of a puppy mill operation than a family with puppies. There were several adult Mastiffs in a pen that resembled a corral more than a dog enclosure. One of these was a massive male that weighed at least 250 lbs. The proprietor, an older man, met me outside, and walked me to the "puppy pen". This was a roughly 10X20 chicken wire enclosure with wooden posts, a gate, and an old tool shed that had a hole that the puppies used to go in and out. The man whistled and 10 fawn puppies with black masks came stumbling out of the hole. They were about 8-9 weeks old, and each weighed about 10-15 lbs. He asked if I wanted to hold them. I answered "not yet", when picking puppies, I like to observe them to get a feel for their personalities. He pointed out the largest male and said "he will be a big one like his daddy over there" pointing out the massive male on the other side of the yard. Although I love "big" dogs (Mastiffs are considered a Giant Breed), size to me wasn't as important as attitude. I wanted intelligence and courage more than size. When I bent down to pet them, most of them came running up immediately, licking and wagging their tails. One looked, sized me up, walked over and deftly slid his way to the front. I decided I would take him. He wasn't scared, but he didn't seem to be impulsive either. When he made up his mind he did what set out to do.

Over the years, many people without a sense of humor didn't get the joke of calling a large dog Tiny. While it was to some degree a joke, it also came from a dog that was a character in a book. When I was 13, I read a book entitled "The Fellowship of the Talisman". It is a tale about a Knight on a quest that is accompanied by his squire and a giant war dog. One of the squire's responsibilities was to care for the war dog which was a Mastiff. I don't remember the dog's real name, but the squire simply called him "Tiny". I had given my eldest daughter the book when she was about 13.Three years later when I brought Tiny home; she immediately suggested that we name him Tiny. So that was that... He was Tiny..

Mastiff puppies are an object of pure joy.. They are large, clumsy and adorable. One of their most adorable traits is the fact that they have an excess of skin until they are grown. So when a mastiff puppy looks down, all of the skin of its head collapses over its face. When they run, their lips and ears fly up and down until they trip over their own feet of course.. I purchased Tiny a faux wool covered toy that was shaped like a gingerbread man and squeaked. It was probably 10-12" long and about 4" wide. For some reason, we called it his "woobie". He would get a small portion of it in his mouth near where a belly button would be, and carry it around. When he was "little", it would block his vision and he would run into anything in front of him. He had multiple "woobies" throughout his life and he always loved them. He would still get playful right up to his last few months, get his woobie, prance around like a puppy, and want you to take it from him and throw it. Sometimes he would bring it back and sometimes he wanted you to come and get it from him. The squeaker always eventually broke, but while it still worked, he would lay and squeak it to get you to take it from him. If you had any kind of squeaky toy that sound like a woobie, he would lose his mind looking for it. If it wasn't a real woobie, he lost interest.

Taking him to the Vet was interesting, Tiny was a Rock Star. Although he wasn't a "large" mastiff, he was a bigger dog than most people were used to seeing. He was close to 34" tall, and at his most studly, weighed in at 200lbs. I never actually measured his height, but I have a 34" inseam and he could just walk between my legs if I stood a little on my toes. As he got older and started to have issues with his hips, he ate less. His hind quarters began to atrophy a bit while his chest became broader from using it to haul himself up. From about the age of 6 his weight dropped and settled at about 175 up until just his last year when he was diagnosed with cancer, he then weighed 159.  Everyone wanted to touch him, ask how much he ate. Did he eat us out of house and home? He was a good boy and took it all in stride. One of the more interesting notes about the Vet and Tiny was, stool samples. As you can imagine, a mastiff leaves large piles... Well, when going to the Vet, they always wanted a stool sample and we could never provide one... Our Home sits on a mostly wooded 7 acre lot. When Tiny was a puppy and we first brought him home, we had a big snow storm that took several weeks to melt away. So I had to carry him to where the snow was shallow enough, or didn't have a crust of ice on it. This was usually the woods. So as he grew up, he would only go in the woods and never in the same spot. So we never saw any poop unless he was sick and had an accident. He was an easy puppy to train and had less than 5 accidents of either variety his whole life.

Tiny had a routine as he got older, we would let him out and he would patrol the property, there were paths in our woods that he created, and would always take. He somehow knew the perimeter of the property, I think it was because of the smell of the kids or me. When friends would come over and wanted to see the property, or we would have a paintball game, I would walk the perimeter of the main section (the property is shaped like a capital 'P' with the driveway in the 'leg' of the 'P'). That was the only area Tiny would go. He would almost never go down the driveway. Once his patrol was complete, he would lay in the front sunning himself, or perch on our front porch like a Lion on a rock. When he was outside, the UPS or FedEx delivery people would not get out of their vehicles. They would just throw the packages in the yard through their windows unless someone came outside. Strangers and friends alike would be met at their cars. Unless they were in a full sized truck or van, an open window invited a large slobbery head in to see who they were.

Tiny had an adversary that he was always on the lookout for. When he was a puppy, it was birds and squirrels until he realized that he would never catch them. Eventually it became "The Black Dog". The Black Dog was Tiny's primary antagonist. I am unsure if it was one or more dogs that were related. We are fairly sure that it came from the small farm immediately behind our property. We could tell when the dogs from that area were invading the yard. With a mighty growl and barking that would shake the trees, Tiny would charge off in that direction. We would hear a commotion, more barking, maybe a yelp, and then Tiny would come sauntering out of the woods like a hero coming home from war. We could see the Black Dog in the distance, apparently vanquished again. About a year ago, I finally witnessed a small battle in the "War of The Black Dog". I was outside in the driveway early one day, and Tiny, as usual, was my shadow. I heard something off towards the woods on that side of the house. I looked to see if it was a perhaps a deer. I saw two dogs, a Black Dog that weighed approximately 95-100lbs, and a mixed color dog of approximately the same size about 50 yds.’ away. As soon as Tiny saw them, a low rumble rose to a growl. He began trotting in their direction. The two dogs were moving  away, and Tiny was slowly following, rumbling. Just short of the property line the two dogs stopped, the Black Dog wheeled around and made a short growling charge in Tiny's direction. At this, Tiny, with a load roar, broke into a run directly at the Black Dog. What happened next could best be described as an outside linebacker coming from the blind side and hitting a quarterback around his waist, bending him in half. Tiny charged, hit the Black Dog squarely with his chest, and knocked him head over heels.  After what seemed like 2-3 revolutions, the Black Dog got to his feet and proceeded to haul ass away while growling back over his shoulder. Both dogs exited quickly. Tiny did a little turn and came trotting back over to me with the biggest dog smile I have ever seen as if he were saying "DUDE, DID YOU SEE THAT!!". It was all over in about three minutes. I travel a lot for work, and one of the reasons I wanted a male Mastiff was for protection of my family while I was gone. If nothing else, the intimidation factor would work. Raising a dog like Tiny, who was always sweet and good natured, I had my doubts if he would actually rise to the occasion. Mastiffs are known to be very protective,  modern Mastiffs are supposedly descended from a Mastiff owned by Sir Piers Legh II. Legh was wounded at the battle of Agincourt and lying on the battlefield. His Mastiff stood over him, protecting him for two hours until help arrived. During World War 1, the breed almost went extinct and they had most of the aggressiveness bread out of them to make them more family friendly. They are very territorial and protective of their families. After the incident with the Black Dog I witnessed, I knew that my doubts had been unfounded.

Having Tiny in the same room with you while trying to sleep was an adventure, if his snoring wasn't bad enough to keep you awake, in the middle of the night, he would come by and check to make sure you were still breathing. He did this by sniffing your face and possibly giving you a lick. He had several Nylabone chew toys, one was very large and heavy. While you were sleeping, he may decide that you need it more than he did by dropping it on you. You see all of this was possible because he was taller than the average bed height. We then decided that we all had to close our bedroom doors at night to keep him out. If you happened to fall asleep on the couch, you were fair game.. Tiny didn’t just snore, he was a world class snorer. If he was sleeping on the main floor of the house, and we were in the basement. The entire ceiling would vibrate with his snoring.

There are only two downsides to having a Mastiff, especially a male. They are slobber, and his tail. Slobber gets everywhere and if you don't get it while it is still fresh, it turns into concrete. Changing or getting fresh water is also an experience. After a Mastiff has drunk, what is left is not unlike corn syrup, same consistency, and stickiness. It can make you gag.. We tried one of those dog watering systems that have a three gallon jug for a reservoir, the slobber found its way to float on the top of the water in the jug. We quickly abandoned that plan. As for the tail, it is painful when hit. The most excruciating part is when you are a man of a certain height and you catch the end of a wagging tail in your crotch. It can make a grown man cry...

It is hard watching a friend fade away. He started getting cysts on his back about a year ago. Finally he developed a strange lump under his tail. We took him to the Vet, and they confirmed that all the lumps on his back were cysts, the one under his tail was cancer. We talked about treatment briefly, but as I said, he was about nine and a half years old at the time. Mastiffs usually don't live much past eight. The decision was, one would it work (dogs survive cancer treatments at about an 8% rate), and two, even if it did, how much longer did he really have anyway? Did we want what little time he had left to be all about treatments? How sick would it make him? How miserable would he be just to die anyway?. We decided to let it run its course. The Vet said that eventually the tumor would burst and begin to bleed. It would then get to a point where he could die of blood loss before the cancer actually killed him. About a month later, the tumor began bleeding lightly, and then his right rear leg stopped working correctly. It didn’t seem as if it hurt, he just that he couldn't make it work the way he wanted it to. We knew then it was time to say goodbye before he really had to suffer. Tiny was almost always my shadow, rarely did he not want to be with me, where ever I was. As he became sicker, and he could walk as good or get up as easily, he would whimper and whine if he couldn't see me. So I stayed as close as I could for as long as I could.

Once, during a conversation my son and I had about immortality, I told him that I didn't want to be immortal because I couldn't stand to watch all of my loved ones and friends die. He didn't really understand. When he found out that Tiny had cancer, he told me "Dad, I finally get it now, why you said you wouldn't want to be immortal. It hurts too much when someone you love dies."

My children have asked me, "Of all of the dogs you have owned, which one was your favorite?" I always answer, "The one I have now." Tiny will most likely be my last dog. I, who once could never have imagined living without a dog, have no more room in my heart for sorrow. I love them too much and it hurts too much to say goodbye. I had come to this realization once before when Ti, one of our Rottweilers had lymphoma. Big Mama (just a nickname not a description) thought that children need a dog and knew that a Mastiff would be too irresistible for me. I am glad she knew, otherwise I would never have gotten to know Tiny. I don't know if I can invest that much love again in a dog. My Paternal Grandmother used to say she hated dogs. One evening while swinging on her porch, Grandma told me that she didn't really hate dogs, she just didn't want to like them, and it was too hard to watch them die. I was nine and didn't really understand. I understand now.

Goodbye Tiny Boy, you were a good dog, you were the best dog, and you were my last dog.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

A Comment Slug fest

So, the big fella has taken to tweeting, Facebook, and commenting on news stories on Yahoo!. Every so often I get in to a tiff with some ill informed leftist.. Here is my latest tirade from a news article entitled For Obama a Rising Tide of Rage. The article discusses terrorist attacks and warns of "right wing extremist" attacks. That is what set me off. There are three commentators TBM (me of course), someone named "Onlooker" and "Electrostat":

TBM- What groups connected to right wing extremism? In the history of terror attacks in the world and especially in the US, there has NEVER been a right wing extremist attack (Timothy McVay was a Neo-Nazi, Nazis are Socialists and are only "Right Wing" when compared to other Socialists like Communists). All domestic terrorist to date have either been Islamic extremist (a type of Fascism, which is a type of Socialism), or Left wing/Eco loonies.

Onlooker- BigMan - you are correct. The American public has been lied to regarding what constitutes "left" and "right". They often think fascism is "right" but in reality (if not in title also), they are simply another flavor of "left" (socialism / communism).

Electrostat--Fascism = nationalist theocracy. A branch of ultra right conservative christo fascists... nothing to do with progressive liberals.

Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, commonly known in English as the Nazi Party. The party was founded out of the far-right racist völkisch German nationalist movement and the violent anti-communist Freikorps paramilitary culture (i.e. militias in the US) that fought against the uprisings of communist revolutionaries in post-World War I Germany. Advocacy of a form of socialism by right-wing figures and movements in Germany became common during and after World War I, influencing Nazism.
If this is not a good enough and historically accurate definition of right wing fascist dogma, then the sky is never blue, but black and wrapped in a swastika.

GOP = The American Taliban

- ideological purity
- compromise as weakness
- a fundamentalist belief in scriptural literalism
- Denying science
- Unmoved by facts
- Undeterred by new information
- hostile fear of progress
- Demonization of education
- A need to control women's bodies
- Severe xenophobia
- Tribal mentality
- Intolerance of dissent
- Pathological hatred of US government

The christo-fascist American taliban cannot survive without instituting fraudulent voter supression..

TBM- Benito Mussolini, a Socialist, invented Fascism which used a military structure with Socialism.. Naziism is Fascism with Eugenics added.
Eugenics was promoted by Margret Sanger (a Socialist), the Founder of "Planned Parenthood". She envisioned using abortion to cull out "Human Weeds" (Blacks, Chinese, Jews, Mentally Disabled etc.) It's all out there if people would just read and not take the word of the MSM and read for themselves..

Electrostat-- ..you look and sound like a disgruntled paranoid hatemonger. Your pathological disorder is obvious... I recommend for you to unplug Farce News, Hannity and Rush from your sphincter and get back on your prescription... schizophrenia is dangerous

Onlooker- @Electro - it's your rabid comments that lets everyone know the level of hysteria you've attained. If there are any meds to be provided, you should be first in line.

TBM- @Electrostatt – Obviously you have been drinking the leftist Koolaid. Communism, Nazism, Fascism and American Progressivism are all cut from the same cloth. The Nazis and Fascist were only ever considered ideologies of the right because of the street fights of the thirties they had with the Communists and the war they had in Spain, with the Russians backing the “Republicans” and the Nazis backing the Nationalists.
As for the litany of leftist talking point drivel about the GOP which could have been written in crayon:
- ideological purity  ** We just want conservatives not liberals pretending to get elected
- compromise as weakness ** the only compromise acceptable in today’s political climate is to agree with leftists. If Poison will kill me, agreeing to only take a little isn’t a compromise.
- a fundamentalist belief in scriptural literalism ** Can’t help you here, I am an atheist, My Christian friends and family members still pray for me though.. That’s what Christians do. Only Islamists and leftists will kill you for not being a believer
- Denying science** I belive in Science, just not “Settled Science”, if it is settled, it isn’t Science..
- Unmoved by facts ** I believe whole heartedly in facts, whether they agree or disagree with my beliefs, in fact if they disagree I re-examine my beliefs, unlike leftists and apparently you.
- Undeterred by new information** Actually it is the left that hate any new information that may challenge their Ideology, like the fact that climate isn’t Anthropomorphically effected.
- hostile fear of progress** no, I’m not a Luddite, I just don’t like Progressives (see Fascists above)
- Demonization of education ** Just education as it is currently controlled by the Left that attempts to brain wash my children. I want my children to be taught how to read, write, do math and Science and then be allowed to come up with their own thoughts and Ideas based on their own study. Unlike leftist who force feed their Ideology as fact and Science.
- A need to control women's bodies ** the only place I wish to control a woman’s Body is in my bedroom. Although I do think it isn’t fair that I should be made to pay for a stranger’s birth control. Sex for anything other than pro-creation is recreational. Don’t get me wrong I love my recreation!! But if I have to pay for your birth control I think you should have to cover my Ammo and Paintballs
- Severe xenophobia** I nor anyone I know is Xenophobic, I love it when people want to come here and want to be Americans, I just think they should do it legally. That isn’t Xenophobia, it is common sense.

- Tribal mentality** I think that goes with the above… The only tribe I subscribe to wears Burgundy and Gold..HTTR!!
- Intolerance of dissent** Actually I have never heard of nor seen an instance wherein a conservartive or libertarian shouted someone down, interrupted a speech/lecture or stole all of the fliers/newpaper to keep opposing views from being disseminated. Those are leftists students and activists
- Pathological hatred of US government** I don’t hate the Govt’. Just don’t trust them as far as I could throw the Washington Monument. I like the Founding Fathers believe that the Govt. is a necessary evil and that it’s powers should be kept in check. Big Govt has a tendency to become tyrannical in order to ensure its power and survival. I am fairly sure that you didn’t trust the Govt when G.W. Bush was President (I actually didn’t care for him that much either but he was better than Kerry or Gore). Further I hate paying one more cent in taxes than I need to for the Govt to do the MINIMUM it is supposed to do.

I am a Libertarian, I believe in personal Liberty in the Revolutionary sense (American Revolution).  I believe in the power of the individual, not the collective. I believe that you should be able to live your life as you see fit as long as your actions do not infringe on the rights of another. I wish to be left alone to live my life, and I will leave you alone.

To quote a great man- “I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them." - J.B Books (Marion Michael Morrison)

UPDATE -- There was one additional comment from Onlooker.

Onlooker- @BigMan - THAT WAS AWESOME! You went through a great deal to answer someone who really has little connection to reality. good job.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Battling Boys of Benghazi

Just received this from a Cousin.. It was written by an anonymous US Marine. The Bamster refered to the death of a US Ambassador and three other Americans as a "Bump in the Road".. These men deserve Congressional Medals of Honor. They weren't even supposed to be there and actually went to help against orders. The Govt. watched them die via a drone with a camera... This administration knows no shame..

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


rem·i·nisce  (rm-ns)
intr.v. rem·i·nisced, rem·i·nisc·ing, rem·i·nisc·es

1. To recollect and tell of past experiences or events.
2. (intr) to talk or write about old times, past experiences, etc.
3. recall the past; "The grandparents sat there, reminiscing all afternoon"

I, like many folks my age (I am now 51) reminisce about my youth. Songs, smells, and sights will trigger memories. Sometimes good, sometimes bad, sometimes just plain embarrassing. For some reason lately mine have involved Big Mama (just a nickname, not a description). We have been together for 34 years as of this past New Years Eve. I love her more now than ever. It is funny I now understand the lyrics to the Randy Travis song "Forever and Ever, Amen":

"They say that time can play tricks on a memory
And people forget things that they knew
But it's easy to see it's happening to me
I've already forgotten every woman but you"

We seem to rewrite our own histories, we remove all of the bad and only remember the good, we become the heroes of our own plays. In my play, Big Mama (just a nickname, not a description), is the hero, she rescued me and took me on as a project. I am unsure of where I would be with out her. I do know that my life would not have turned out as good or fulfilling.

Unfortunately all stories have to come to an end, I know that mine will end with me in her arms. As MBB (My Big Brother) likes to say, "It's your story, write it any way you want". Of course he means it sarcastically, but that is the way I will write mine.

 If you haven't found your Big Mama (just a nickname, not a description), or Big Man. I hope you do, because life's bumps, ups and downs just don't seem to matter as much when you have someone to share them with..

Friday, March 1, 2013

Update on the Copperhead Hat Band.

While perusing my previous posts, I realized that I had never followed up the post A fun Day at the Hacienda de Grande Hombre. Well folks, I followed the recipe:

 Fill a gallon jug two-thirds full of water. Dissolve as much plain salt (non-iodized) in the water as possible. Stir the water as you add the salt and when you see the crystals sinking to the bottom instead of dissolving, that is enough salt. (It will take about 2 lbs of salt to a gallon of water)

 Place the skin in loose fold (not rolled) in the salt water solution.
 Seal the jug, and leave a room temperature (70 degrees) for four days. Rotate the jug gently once or twice a day.

 Remove from he salt water on the fourth day. Rinse for several minutes and lightly pat dry on towels.

 Mix a solution of equal parts glycerin and water. Pure glycerin is available at most drugstores.
 Two pints of glycerin mixed with water is sufficient to treat three medium-sized snake skins.

 Place the skin in the glycerin solution, cover and let stand at room temperature for another four days. Rotate but do not shake the jug daily.

 After the skin has been in the glycerin solution four days, remove and pat dry with a towel.

 Place the dry skin on an unfinished, dry, flat pine board. The boards must be long and wide enough to sandwich the whole skin. Do not stretch the skin to flatten it, just roll it out smoothly on the board. Use the flat of your hand to remove and wrinkles.

 Place a second pine board on top of the skin. The skin must be firmly pressed, so weigh down the top board.

Instead of weighing down the board I used drywall screws and screwed the boards together about every 2 inches around the perimeter. (pictures taken in unfinished kitchen I was working on, this was what I was tearing out when I had the "Fun Day')

 Let dry for four days. It may take a little longer in the dead of winter or in humid conditions.

When the skin is dry, it will be soft and pliable. Put a little talcum powder on the dry hide and roll it around on an old paper-towel roll ( one of those cardboard rollers) and it will keep until you are ready to turn it into a hatband or mount it on a display board.

I of course decided to make a hat band. I went to a local Tandy Leather Store where I explained to the proprietor what I was trying to accomplish, that I need some strips of suitable leather and Rubber contact cement. He helped me find a bottle of the cement which is used for just such purposes. He then gave me some scraps of leather. He even cut several pieces to width for me.

 When I arrived back at the Hacienda, I found that I had more than enough snake skin to make two hat bands, so that is what I decided to do.

Using a razor knife I cut the skin lengthwise down the middle so that I had two pieces approximately the same length and width. I then turned them over and using one of the leather backing strips as a guide, I applied the contact cement liberally in the approximate center of the skins. I then applied contact cement to each of the outside (smooth side) of  leather strips. Once this was completed I had to allow them to "set up" before I could join the skins and leather backing.

Applying rubber cement to the leather backing

Applying cement prior to folding the skin over the back of the leather backing strip

Ready to fold skin over leather backing to finish the 2nd Band trimmed off excess length

I then cut the skin so that there was about 1/2" beyond each end  of the leather backing and I made it square. I then carefully folded the ends over, and pleated the sides and folded them over also.

The two pieces of snake skin completely joined to the leather backing (view 1)

The two pieces of snake skin completely joined to the leather backing (view 2)

Once the skins and leather had been joined I needed to decide how I would join the ends. I decided to use Leather Boot Laces. I then used a leather punch to punch two holes in each end of the two hatbands. I then threaded the laces through them as you would if you were lacing shoes.

Back of Hatband after lacing
Front of Hatband 1

Front of Hatband 2

Top view of the Hatbands on the pine board used to cure the skin

Inside of a hatband, you can see the different type of belly scales on this one

 Well now I had two beautiful custom hatbands, and I still only had a single head, with no hat. I decided that I would make a gift of one hat band to MBB (My Big Brother).

I gave him the hatband on a trip to his homestead in the great northwest. I described to him how I was thinking of braiding the tails of the laces on my hatband and putting silver beads in the shape of skulls in the braid.  MBB also has a crafty streak in him (in more ways than one). He has made on occasion, very nice zipper pulls he creates out of braided wire, semi-precious stones, silver, pewter and other metals. He whipped out his collection of items he had for the fabrication of the pulls and found several solid silver miniature facsimiles of a Celtic Battle Axe Heads. He gave me one for my hatband and promptly figured a way to attach one to his.

I now had one last item to take care of in order to finish this project. I needed a Cowboy hat. Not just any hat would do, it would have to be either a Resistol or a Stetson. I had the maker somewhat narrowed down, so the final choice would have to be based on style. I had already decided on Black... Yes, I know, in the parlance of my childhood, good guys only wore white or light colored hats.. Except for Paladin of course. I decided that the snakeskin would stand out better against a black background.

It took me a while, but I finally settled on a hat style, I liked the hat that Timothy Oliphant wears as the character US Deputy Marshall, Raylan Givens in Justified. The hat is a Stetson Carson model. Raylan's hat is "Silver Belly", mine would still be black. I went to a local Western Wear shop, determined my size, and ordered a hat.

Black Stetson Carson hat (by the way, this photo was taken in the same general area as the earlier photos of the hatband creation, I finished the kitchen)

Front view of the hat, the black really makes the Copperhead pattern pop.

Side view of the hat, from this view you can see how the hatband stands out, and the sweep of the brim

Rear of hat and Band, I left the leather laces long, added a third piece to make braiding easier. You can see one of the skull beads about 3/4 of the way up, three at the bottom, they are pewter. The Silver Battle Axe head is visible.

Close up of the Skull Beads

A Skull bead and the Silver Celtic Battle Axe

The Front Center of the hatband.

I am very satisfied with the results, I have had many positive comments. Someone even asked if I would sell the hatband or if I would make another. I told him, no, and no... I really don't want to meet another 4' copperhead.