Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Student Indoctrination

Have you ever wondered why your children are being brainwashed in school and especially college? Why do these institutions that take your money in taxes and make you pay for the privilege of removing all of the values you as a parent taught them? It is quite simple once you understand the reason:

Vladimir Lenin said, "Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted."

In order for the Government to control us all, we have to relinquish our rights and individuality. That is why Obama's biggest support comes from the 20-29 age group, they have been brainwashed by their leftist teachers and professors to believe those like him will bring prosperity and equality to all. Unfortunately like all Fascists and Communists, all they ever bring is subjugation and despair.

We can only promise an equal chance, not an equal staring point nor an equal outcome. The hard work is up to the individual. If the individual fails, it is up to that person to learn and try again or give up. If you never try, or you believe that the road is to difficult, then that is your responsibility, not mine.

It is ironic that the leftist belief system was created by those who were most discriminated against. They were hoping to create the perfect society wherein everyone was equal. Like the mad scientist who attempts to create the perfect man, and instead creates a monster that in the end is the source of his own demise. Marx and Engels were Jews, the Soviet Union, the first country that attempted to create their heaven on earth, instead created a hell, and an especially hellish existence for Russian Jews.

As Churchill stated (I am paraphrasing),"If you are not a liberal when young, you have no heart, and if you are not a conservative when old, you have no brain". If you have read Orwell, especially "Animal Farm", Our current crop of twenty somethings are the draft horse, working with their hearts, we can only hope they wake up and use their brains before they and all of us get sent to the glue factory..

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