Thursday, June 4, 2009

I am an Un-caring racist!!! So I'm told...

Two posts in two days!! Whoa!! Are you still gainfully employed Bigman?

Why yes, I am gainfully employed thank you... Just had something come up last night while talking to Bigmama (Bigman's true love, just a name, not a description).

I was watching a show on Fox and as they were speaking about how most "Conservatives" and "Republicans" (not necessarily the same thing..See McCain, John S., or Powell, Colin L.) are viewed as being Racist, and uncaring (see Cheney, Richard "Dick" B, aka Darth Vader). It brought to mind a fire drill we had where I work. I work in a ten storey office tower, the bottom 4 floors are parking Garage, therefore when you are in the elevator, there are L, P1-P3, and Floors 1-6. I detail this because it is germane to the story I am relating. I work on the "Fifth" floor, or really the ninth floor of the tower. When the fire alarm sounded, we all made our way to the closest stairwell. I found myself with a co-worker that I know in the crowded stairwell. This gentleman is a typical Eastern Liberal, but I don't hold that against him. Everyone makes mistakes, someday maybe he will correct his. Anyway, as we made our way down the crowded stairwell, at about the third floor, two black ladies were trying to get from their floor into the stairwell and no one would let them in. Being a southern gentleman, I allowed them in front of me to the dismay of everyone behind me.. Of course no one actually mentioned it to me because "Bigman" is not just a 'nom de plume'. I am actually rather large, and I am told that I am rather scary looking. I don't see it, I believe that I am rather Teddy Bearish.. But that is just me.

These two ladies got in front of me, I at that time realized that one of them was using a cane and rather slow, and the other was about 5'4" tall and weighed at least 300 lbs. To say that they were slow would be a tremendous understatement. Again there were rumblings behind me, and some individual actually made a comment. I looked up to see who it was and there after all comments ceased.. When we finally got outside to the scheduled assembly area, by alphabetical order.
The Liberal looked at me and stated:
"If there was a real fire, I would have ran those two over and left them were they fell."

I looked at him and told him:
"And I would have stayed and helped them out of the building."

He came back with:
"Then you would have died."

I replied:
"Probably, but I would not have left them to die alone, I would've done my best to get them out."

I do not think that I am special or brave.. Most of the Conservative "Men" I know would have done the same thing... I can only actually think of a single "man" that I know that would have acted like the Liberal "man". You notice I capitalized one "Man/Men" and didn't the other. The capitalized one is descriptive of an individual, the other implies the individuals sex. Yes I said sex, gender describes a word, whether or not it is in the feminine or masculine gender, it does not describe a human...

The point of this is that we as Conservatives/Libertarians are portrayed by the MSM and society in general as mean, un-caring racists when the truth is the opposite. I had a discussion with BigPa (Bigman's Pa) just before the November election and I told him that Bigmama's North Eastern relatives of the Yellow dog Democrat persuasion were complaining about Hussien, they really didn't want to have to vote for him because he was black. BigPa laughed and said "You know they have been screaming about black rights and integration for all of these years, but they don't want to live near them or vote for them. We live with them, but we didn't care if Mr. Johnson, the Black farmer next door had equal rights.We were worried about those "Bad" black folks we saw on the evening news. Hell, I voted for a black man in 1970, but I am a racist because I live in the South. Those people are worried about voting for a black man in 2008 and they aren't racists!"

"We" as a group do not divide or divvy up people by race, sex, class, or religion, unlike the liberals. We don't resort to class or group politics. People are accepted or not based on their character... What a concept..

1 comment:

Little Sister said...

I think you are teddy bearish too! But you can refer to me (if a story arises about your not only conservative, but also Jesus following) as "Lil Sis"...instead of Big. Unfortunately, it also wouldn't be "descriptive" :).

Very good points....thank you for being a gentleman....we need more MEN like you out there! :)