Saturday, March 27, 2010

Ronaldus Magnus

As you can see from the header of my Blog page, I am a fan of Ronald Reagan. I have a shirt that is a spoof of the infamous Che' Guevera shirt that all of the young skulls full of mush like to wear that has a silhouette of Reagan. Many of those same young skulls full of mush that have a clue as to whom Che' really was find it offensive. That is what I like about it. Fans of an infamous Communist Murderer being offended by one of the greatest champions of freedom ever born.

 What brings this all up? I have noticed lately that GE has been running commercials commemorating the 100th birthday of Ronald Reagan. I find this somewhat offensive seeing as how the current leadership of GE has been sucking up to Papa Doc Obama. They supported the Health Care hijacking and they also support the Cap and Trade bill that will make everyone's gas and electric bills skyrocket. Papa Doc even admitted this during his run for President.

 GE now trying to remind everyone of their former relationship with Ronald Reagan is like a "soiled dove" explaining that she once dated a minister..

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