Thursday, June 10, 2010

Stalin and the National D-Day memorial

In the small town of Bedford Virgina, about 20 miles off of US I-81, is the National D-Day Memorial. You may be wondering why this small Virginia town would be chosen for such an honor. In retrospect, they would most likely have not wanted the 'honnor' of  a Memorial in their town.
 Alpha Company, 1st of the 116th, 29th ID (my old unit when I served in the VAARNG), was at the outbreak of WWII, and at the time of the landing, comprised of the entire Male population of the town of Bedford VA, between the ages of 18 and 29. Of the 35 men, only 18 were left uninjured from their landing on Omaha beach. Within a week, 23 would be dead.

 Recently an additional bust has been added to the sculptures and statues honoring the fallen of D-Day and WWII.... A bust of Joseph Stalin.. The committee in charge of the memorial has not given a good reason for this addition. They have attempted to make up for it by adding a small dedication to the 100 million people he was responsible for murdering (by comparison, Hitler has ONLY been attributed responsibility for 25 million deaths). I recently sent them an email:

To who it may concern,

 I had been planning on visiting the D Day Memorial this summer until I heard the news that for some unknown reason a bust of one of the worst mass murderers in history, Joseph Stalin, has been placed there. I am unsure why you would honor a man that made Adolph Hitler look like an amateur when it comes to the wholesale slaughter of his fellow man. The only reason this monster was fighting on the side of the Allies was that Hitler turned on him after they jointly consumed Poland as military allies. Unless I am mistaken, Polish troops took part in the landing, did you consider their memory when you took this decision? Did you take any consideration of good taste?
 What would the Bedford Boys say if any of them could tell you how they feel? They probably would be ashamed.

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