Thursday, February 5, 2009


State Childrens Health Insurance Program

"At its creation in 1997, SCHIP was the largest expansion of taxpayer-funded health insurance coverage for children in the U.S.
since Medicaid began in the 1960s. The statutory authority for SCHIP is under title XXI of the Social Security Act.
It was sponsored by Senator Ted Kennedy in a partnership with Senator Orrin Hatch with support coming from
First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton during the Clinton administration."

chil·dren (chil'dr?n).

1. A person between birth and puberty.
2. A person who has not attained maturity or the age of legal majority.
1. An unborn infant; a fetus.
2. An infant; a baby.

2008 HHS Poverty Guidelines
Persons in Family or Household -48 Contiguous States and D.C. - Alaska -Hawaii
1 - $10,400 - $13,000 - $11,960
2 -14,000- 17,500 -16,100
3 -17,600 - 22,000 - 20,240
4 -21,200 - 26,500- 24,380
5 -24,800- 31,000- 28,520
6 -28,400- 35,500 -32,660
7 -32,000 - 40,000- 36,800
8 -35,600- 44,500- 40,940
For each additional person, add -3,600 -4,500 -4,140

On Wednesday, February 5, 2009. President B. Hussien Obama signed the new SCHIP bill. This bill had been vetoed twice by former President George W. Bush. This was one of the few times that President Bush actually Vetoed legislation during his Presidency, unfortunately like a zombie it wouldn't die.


"Oh come on BigMan!! It's for the poor children!! Even you have a heart, don't you?"

"No, I don't, not when it comes to creeping Socialism"


So, you are asking, if it is so bad, why did Orrin Hatch (R) Utah support it? Did you read the above sidebar? That's why, it's for the children of the poor!! Spineless Republicans always get rolled by Democrats when they use the phrase "It's for the children!".
So you say... What is wrong with that? First of all, in looking at my handy dandy pocket Constitution (yes, I have one), I can't find an article in it that says the Federal Govt. is responsible for children, or their healthcare... Maybe I am missing something..

Any way, let's look at what 'The Most Merciful, Lord B. Hussien Obama' has done with a horrible program that is "for the children". Above I have placed the definition of "children". So that we all may agree on what defines a child, I will use definition 1.2- "A person who has not attained maturity or the age of legal majority". Which to me sounds like it defines children, as individuals, under the age of 18. Now I have also included the HHS definition of what constitutes "poverty" in the US. If you are single and you make $10,400 or less, you are impoverished according to the table. So a family of 4, a husband, wife and two children whose yearly income is $21,200 or less, those children would qualify under the old SCHIP plan for free health insurance. Under 'Obama the most merciful"'s newly signed bill the same family may have an annual income of $80,000.00. No, that isn't a typo. Furthermore they have expanded the definition of a child. A child is now anyone up to the age of ..... 30.

Wrap your head round this... Our above couple with two children, making $80,000.00 a year or less, if they are under the age of 30 (the mother and father), ALL OF THEM QUALIFY FOR SCHIP COVERAGE!!!!


Yeah...Right.. Can you say Socialized Medicine?


"Hey BigMan, what's wrong with Socialized Medicine? They have it in Canada and Europe and it's pretty good!"

"Well, as they say in Canada and most of Europe, Socialized Medicine is GREAT!! Until you get sick that is.. Also if our Health care is Socialized, where will the really sick Canadians and Europeans go for their health care?"


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