Monday, March 23, 2009

Interesting Stat

The Debt incurred by the Obama current and projected budget will be larger than all of the debt incurred since the founding of the nation..

Let's see, what did we rack up debt on since the beginning of the nation?

  1. The revolution.. 8+ years of war
  2. The war of 1812
  3. The Louisiana Purchase
  4. The Mexican war
  5. The war between the states (Civil war to you Yankees)
  6. The purchase of Alaska (aka Seward's Folly, some one needs to write him (Seward) a good epitaph, best move since #3)
  7. Spanish American War
  8. WWI
  9. The Great Depression
  10. WWII
  11. The Marshall Plan
  12. Rebuilding Japan
  13. Korean War
  14. The Space Race
  15. The war on poverty aka "The Great Society"(never won, still ongoing after several trillion dollars, thanks to LBJ)
  16. Vietnam
  17. The Cold War
  18. Desert Storm
  19. Iraq and Afghanistan
If I left anything out I apologize.. But the fact that he will spend more than all of that.. Staggering..

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